International Journal of Language, Literature and Humanities


Poetry is a song of heart which doesn’t require special education but it is something which nurtures sincerity and spiritually, as dialect verbalizes and casings encounter typically. It is a characteristic procedure, serving individuals’ inborn need to account for themselves and their lives on the planet Inscription of poems formulates a best class product which can be dealt with as a wellspring of pride and it can be recognized for the same.  Poetry might be an individual’s disclosure, a tale in the format of few lines which express all desires and sentiments of human personality.
Writing poetry is an art which requires charitable, instructive and rousing methodology that can further provoke readers to go through the accessible words and to build up the comprehension with the feelings or the sentiments of the heart has been attached. It empowers an extraordinary methodology for more prominent interpersonal correspondence about individual issues and for more grounded connections. A poem might contain their backgrounds into the type of idyllic expressions to further convey their message to readers around the world.
IJELLH values the conviction of a human to become a poet by associating various life experiences and to sing it as a theme song further passing it towards worldwide masses. Hence, IJELLH hereby enables an international platform to all those poets which are just trying to come out from the slough of various mores and limitations.
IJELLH invites all these authors/poets to send their poetries for further inclusion in our monthly edition. Meanwhile, they need to go through strict submission guidelines mentioned hereafter:
  • An author/poet can send only 3-4 poems in one time.
  • All these poems should be expressive in nature and contain a dare to attract various eye balls.
  • All these poems should be unique, plagiarism free, error free and well formatted.
  • All these poems should be safe for all age public and these should spread a message into the society.
  • Poem content (partially or entirely) should not be previously published or in under review process for its possible publication
For further information about the publication of poetries, visit Authors’ Guidelines page or submit your paper by using Paper Submission here.
Poetries can be also send directly at our emails (,

Processing & Publication Fee:

AuthorsOnline Processing & Publication Fee 
Hard-Copy & Printed Certificate 
(Including Online publication + e-certificate)
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Indian Authors
1000 INR (Online publication + e-certificate)
2000 INR
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International Authors
50 USD (Online publication + e-certificate)
120 USD
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